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Follow the importance of preventive maintenance of surgical instruments, and where to find surgical instruments on the internet.

The habit of investing in instrument maintenance is already a historical practice present in the universe of health professionals in general, such as doctors, biomedical doctors, nurses, and other specialists related to the surgical area.

In view of this, there are updated values that surround this work and that should be known and practiced in hospitals, clinics, and laboratories.

Evolution of Maintenance Practices

In the past, the maintenance of surgical instruments was seen as a practice of high economic value, not being allowed in several cases precisely because of this issue.

Nowadays, on the other hand, the situation has gained a new perspective. Through qualified actions, the reconstruction of medical and surgical equipment started to be present in commercial, private or industrial relations.

What has corroborated the practice, as prominent information in all maintenance procedures for surgical instruments, is the fact that in times past, products that presented problems were immediately discarded by those responsible, however, today this situation has changed.

Coated aspirators, forceps, and handles are now considered to be materials that can be kept for longer thanks to maintenance of various kinds (before and after procedures).

Maintenance in Practice

One of the essential conditions for the maintenance of surgical instruments is proper cleaning for successful sterilization.

After the cleaning process, the instrument must be macroscopically clean, i.e. without visible residues. This inspection can be done visually.

On the other hand, more complex areas such as joints or knobs, handles, joints, or threaded steps should be checked with extra care.

In order to avoid corrosion or other damage caused by metal friction, metal brushes or sponges should never be used for spot removal.

Instruments that present cracks in the joint regions, as well as deformed, damaged or worn instruments must be replaced, as they are considered unusable in their functions.

Products for Surgical Instruments Maintenance

For a better conservation of the surgical instruments, it is recommended to make use of some lubricant products in the hinges, joints, sliding surfaces and seals or threads, such as, for example, punctures, forceps and scissors (right after these materials have passed through cleaning and disinfection).

The use of lubricants can significantly contribute to increasing the useful life of the instruments, as they prevent friction, providing a preventive measure against corrosion.

The products used in the preventative maintenance of surgical instruments must follow some requirements:
  • They must be able to sterilize by steam and be permeable to;
  • They must be mineral oil (or paraffin) based;
  • They must be biocompatible.

You can always find surgical instruments and other hospital supplies at Jensen Instrument Technologies. Here at Jensen Instrument Technologies, we have a wide range of quality surgical-instruments products and are able to serve clients from all parts of the country with the ability to provide the necessary equipment replenishment.

In view of this, in case of updating, Jensen Instrument Technologies can act in supplies, repairs and maintenance of surgical instruments, such as: Scissors, Retractors, Trocar and Suction Tubes, Punch, Scalpel, besides several other surgical-instruments products that are found in our catalog.

Browse our product collections to check it out.


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