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Benefits of Black Coated surgical instruments

Benefits of Black Coated surgical instruments

They possess a high tensile strength that makes them suitable for surgical procedures. Learn all about the benefits of Black Coated Surgical Instruments.

There are several forms in which surgical instruments can be coated. The coating of the surgical instrument is done to ensure that the raw form of these instruments does not react adversely with the patient when employed during a surgical procedure.

Materials used in the coating of surgical instruments used in the operating room include;

Stainless steel
It is made from alloy metals, which results in its high tensile strength and its resistance to decomposition when exposed to air, water, or surgical processes. Stainless steel is divided into two grades (Grade 304, and Grade 316).

It is a non-corrosive material used for surgical instruments. It exerts minimal weight on the surgical personnel when they employ its usage. It also has a high tolerance for heat conditions above the normal range. It is easily adjustable, and as such, it can be used for several kinds of surgery.

The Black coated surgical instruments are instruments that have undergone a form of transformation from what it was, to what it can be. Black-coated surgical instruments have unique qualities that ensure they stand out and become the desired sets of equipment used in the operating room.

The Black coated surgical instruments possess a high tensile strength that makes them suitable for surgical procedures. They also have a high resistance level to corrosion or decomposition.

Benefits of Black Coated Surgical Instruments

The uniqueness of the black coated surgical instrument has brought about certain benefits that ensure its constant usage in the operating room and an increase in its demand in the medical field.

These benefits include;

During surgical procedures in the operating room, there is an undeniable and constant need for light supply to ensure that the surgeon is not going into the surgical field blind and unaware of the parts of the patient.

To this effect, there is a need for a powerful source of electricity to aid in the lightning of the operating room. A heavy light source is used to convey the adequate amount of light in the operating room.

As a result of this heavy light source, it causes a heightened level of reflection when surgical materials are employed during the procedure. However, using the black-coated surgical instrument will ensure that the issues associated with reflection are dealt with effectively.

The black-coated surgical instruments, therefore, will protect the eyes from sudden reflections, allowing them to be well fixated in the surgical field.

Easy to Maintain
Most surgical instruments require a lot of attention in their maintenance to ensure their continued viability. However, the black-coated surgical instrument does not require much effort in maintaining them.

The black-coated surgical instruments can be easily maintained by making use of water and a drop of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) in a ratio of 10:1 to wipe off any form of dirt, and kill off germs and micro-organism that may be present on the surgical instruments.

Research has shown that black-coated surgical instruments have a longer duration of lifespan compared to other forms of coating on surgical instruments. The black-coated surgical instruments have an estimated lifespan range of about 15-20 years of unlimited usage by the surgeon, making it a desired set of instruments that should always be present in the operating room.

The longevity of the black-coated surgical instruments has also made it a prime market commodity, which is always in constant demand by companies in the medical field seeking to improve their health care services, by employing the usage of proper instruments that will ease the work of the surgeons, and greatly influence the image of the hospital as being a top tier health care provider.

Extensive Density
The black-coated surgical instruments are considered to be 10-15 times stronger than both the stainless steel and titanium coating. This unique quality of the black-coated surgical materials makes it a preferred option over other forms of coating because its extensive density will enable it to be used for more complex surgeries in the operating room.

Having an extensive density will also ensure that black-coated surgical instruments do not get easily damaged by physical and external factors that cause decomposition, and result in a deteriorated material that will be harmful to the patient undergoing the surgery.

Resistant to Corrosion
Corrosion is a harmful phenomenon that destroys structures, particles, or substances. It is caused by exposing substances to air, water, and other decomposing factors. When corrosion occurs, it limits the usefulness of the affected substance or structure and as such will lead to a bad outcome.

Surgical instruments affected by corrosion will no longer be considered safe for usage by the surgeon to protect the patient from imminent reactions that may occur as a result of the corrosive action on the surgical instruments.

The black-coated surgical instruments have a high level of resistance to corrosion because they have an extra phase of coating by heated aluminum.

This attribute ensures that the black-coated surgical instruments are not prone to rust. It also gives black-coated surgical instruments an added advantage as it increases their lifespan.

Negative Adverse Effect
The black-coated surgical instruments have no action of adverse effect during their application in the operating room while the surgical procedure is ongoing. This is possible because there is no presence of the elements nickel and chromium in the coating process of black-coated surgical instruments.

One of the positives that come with the black-coated surgical instruments having a negative adverse effect is its continuous deployment by surgical personnel in carrying out effective surgical procedures.

It also aids the patient’s healing process by ensuring that no decomposing particle will take root in the patient during the surgical procedure, which can cause delayed healing and infections.

In conclusion, the black-coated surgical instruments are compulsory sets of equipment that should be present in every hospital, and health care provider institution in order to ensure that they deliver the most optimal form of health care to patients, and also avoid unnecessary wastage of surgical instruments that will ultimately increase the cost of healthcare services.

Jensen Instrument Technologies is a long-established company distributing precision surgical instrumentation across Australia and New Zealand. Our company specialises in the supply of maintenance of precision mechanical, optical and power surgical instruments for surgical theatres. Learn more about us here.


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